This time Amy Schumer fills the big screen, rolling out reams of her unique brand of humor. Steve and I were ready to appreciate her raunchy inclinations because we had watched every episode of "Inside Amy Schumer" on the Comedy Central channel. We bought our tickets for "Trainwreck" as Amy Schumer fans.
The reviews and commentary I read led me to believe that this movie would be a watered down version of Amy's fearless performances on her weekly show. So I was delighted to find myself laughing, giggling and elbowing Steve throughout most of the movie. Amy Schumer has a relentless talent for poking and probing all kinds of ridiculous situations. Her ability to morph from vixen to cherub to schlub is magical. Even when she is insulting one of her many male conquests for having too large a penis, you are on her side. Is there really any harm done from such an insult?
Bill Hader was the perfect foil to Amy's careless character. He was earnest and nerdy and inexplicably attractive. His best friend, LeBron James, was hilarious. His need to watch "Downton Abbey" in real time so he could discuss it with his locker room buddies, his penny pinching, and his mother henning of his friend were adorable. What is amazing to remember is that all the words that came out of their mouths were words written by Amy Schumer.
Amy Schumer has a gift for contemporary social commentary. And besides that, she is extremely funny. And she can act. I, for one, was happy for the two of them as they played out their relationship in this romcom. But this is not our mothers' romcom. This is something entirely new.